
Friday 24 April 2015

ANZAC Ceremony

This is my prezi about todays ceremony that we had for 100 years of ANZAC. this is a link to my prezi.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Spelling Test

This is my spelling test that we did I found it hard because it had some tricky words.
The new word that I learnt was immigrant and the word that I found the easiest to spell was eliminate.


Wednesday 22 April 2015

Current Events Thinking Hat

This is my current events thinking hat that we did in class. 
We had to pick a article from kiwikids News and use the thinking hats to fill in the questions.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Cricket World Cup


This is my homework that we had to do.
We had to choose a recipe and share it with our class.


Our teacher Mrs Millward gave us a problem solving maths work about head lices  and we had to get into a group and solve it and make a presentation. 

How Many Hot Dogs And Hot Dogs Buns

8 hot dogs in a package.
12 hot dog buns in a package.
He’s removing 4 hot dogs buns in 3 packages.
so he needs to buy 3 packages of hotdogs and 2 packages of hot dogs buns.
How I got my answer: there is 8 hot dog in a package and 12 hot dog buns in a package so you have to double both of them till you get the same amount of hot dogs and hot dog buns.

-Mahdia Through The Door

“Don’t you ever get scared when you enter a new house, city, country or town.       

It was one dark night I was sleeping and I could hear people screaming, shouting for help and doing a evil laugh so I woke up and Phew it was only a dream. Imagine if that was real ah creepy hey.  2 days later after that creepy dream my mum told me “we are going to New Zealand” but I wasn't happy about it because of my dream, I screamed and said to my mum “it might happen to us!”.  “What will happen to us” asked my mum as she chuckled and at the same time she was excited.  I didn’t wanted to tell her about my dream so I had to come up with something to say to her so “I said um nothing” then I quickly ran to my room and I was finger crossed so that our flight got canceled and I was meant to be happy but I wasn’t.

In our class we had to write something about 'through the door'.
Then we got 5 minuets to self edited and 5 minutes to peer edited.
I chose this part because I thought this part was pretty interesting.

Spelling Test Week 9 Term 1

Today we did our spelling. I got 18 correct and 6 incorrect because we had new words.
The word that was new for me was spectators and now I can spell spectators really well but the word I found hard to spell was flamingoes.