
Friday 28 October 2016

Blue Whales

This week for our Inquiry we were focusing on our smart searching skills.  We went on a name generate app and they picked a letter for us.  My letter was 'B' so I picked the blue whale.  In this DLO I have asked 3 questions using 'could, should,  and might' to make my questions more interesting.  I also have some info on the blue whale and fun facts.


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  3. Hi Mahida,
    You DLO looked fantastic and that you have put a lot of effort into you work. I can see that you have done a lot of serching, and you got lot's of interesting facts about Blue Whale. Keep up the hard work.

  4. Hey Mahdia

    I really liked your "Blue Whale" DLO. The information is great and I can see that you have been working very hard to finish your cyber smart. I liked how you gave different information about Blue Whales and how you put references at the end. Keep up the awesome work.

    From Tiare
