
Thursday, 30 June 2016


Today for our Orienteering session our main focus what to look at our map and try to finish our clip card in and have a time.  The people that I worked with were Silivia, Charlize.  We managed to get a time of 13:10.

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Last week on Thursday and today the year 7 and 8’s had orienteering sessions.   In last week’s lessons we learnt the different symbols that were put on the map and their meanings.  We also played  a game of orienteering.  Today the year 8’s did a real game of orienteering. Some people went in partners while others were working individually. For this activity my partner was Charlize. We were given a clip card, and maps. Once we finished the first map we went to Iryn to get our second map.

Our Global Neighbors India

This week in "Our Global neighbors" we were learning about India.  My partner for this activity was  Zahra.  In this DLO you will find famous Hindi landmarks, celebrations and what they worship.  We have also done some map challenges,  meaning of the flag, language challenges and famous foods

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Decimal Game

Today in maths we were learning about decimals.  After our task we did we were sent off to go and play a decimal game.  The name of the game we played was Place Value Pirates.  The image above is my first score I scored.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Super Smog

This week in reading we were learning how to make a connection to a article we read.  
We had to read the then add comments about when you have had an experience like the text.
The article was about air pollution in China and how everything was rough, and far too dangerous.

Tamaki Primary Blogging

Every Friday after Tech we get different schools to blog on.  This week the school we were given to blog on was Tamaki Primary.   The amount of blog comments we have to do is at least 3.  I chose to comment on Room 1, Amelia, and Dupri's blogs. 

Information Report- Why Aliens Are Real

Why Aliens Are Real

Do you believe in Aliens? Some people say that they have been abducted or seen UFO’s. In this report, we will talk about sightings, researchers/scientists, and some evidence on why I think Aliens exist.

Many people have seen UFO’s. Have you? NASA has spotted many aliens on Mars. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to walk on the moon, claims that “Aliens have contacted humans several times”.    

Dr Boyd Bushman was working in area 51 and has picture of a real life alien. Some researches agree that aliens once visited the ancient Egyptians to tell them the story about their descendants.

In 1883 an astronomer named Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas,  Mexico, took his first photograph of a UFO. Is Area 51 hiding aliens? Many people think that area 51 is hiding sorceress and aliens. There is footage on videos that there was aliens walking around the gates of area 51.

Did this make you believe in aliens?  People are still seeing UFO’s everyday. Also many people are being abducted by them.

This week we were learning how to write an information report. Nazella and I chose to write a report on why we think Aliens are real. We have talked about sightings, researchers/scientist, and some evidence.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Making Connections

Yesterday in reading our group had to create a DLO on a game we played called "slingshot to understanding".  The aim of the game was to make a connection with the article about the air pollution in China.

Japan Learning Challenge

This week in Japanese we had been learning  about where Japan is in the world map, meaning of the Japanese flag, famous Japanese landmarks,  and how to say the colors in Japanese.  

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Blog Analyses

Today LS2 had to create a graph about their blogs.  First we had to think back to when we first started using our blog.  Our LI was to carry out a statistical inquiry.  I started using my blog last year and at the end of the year I managed to post 104 posts.  This year up to May I have posted 104 post,  and this might be because in LS2 we get more digital works that we can publish on our blogs.